After generating the Prompt, click on the result to copy it to the clipboard and paste it into ChatGPT to create your tailored resume.

This prompt will tell ChatGPT to create a resume, a cover letter and an email tailored to the job position. Due to the amount of information that ChatGPT will process, it may miss some information and add placeholders such as [Phone Number], [Email Address], [Today’s date], etc. If this happens to you, please replace these placeholders with your information before sending them to employers.

⚠️⚠️ If you feel uncomfortable providing your data like name, email and phone, use fake information in respective fields and after creating documents at ChatGPT, replace all simulated data with yours before sending them to employers. Also, pay attention to revising all records created by ChatGPT. It may be inaccurate. Good luck!

Tailor Resume to Job Offer - Chat GPT Prompt

Your Information

Please don't send sensitive data here. You may fill Name, Address, ZIP, Phone number and email with dummy data so ChatGPT won't store your sensible details. Just replace dummy data with your real information before sending it to employers.
Eg.: +5511987458965 (Country code, City code and Number)
Tell us about your real-life experience here. Include a summary, skills, language proficiency, work experience and academic background. There is no need to include age, gender, marital status and hobbies.
French Proficiency is CLB 5+
We'll add the Francophone Mobility work permit information to the cover letter if you select YES.

Job Information

Please copy the entire job description and requisites and paste it here.

All data provided is deleted after form submission.